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Coming Soon - WALK-A-THON Fundraiser

Our Annual Walk-a-thon is in full swing!

We are delighted to once again see the return of this beloved fundraising tradition at Holy Cross. Father George Pfliger Walk-a-thon 2023 will take place on May 26th to raise money for our School Yard and our Outdoor Education Program. This is one of our major fund-raisers for the school year and its success is important to the continuation of our school programs. We are counting on 100% participation by all of our students!

Lunch will be provided for all participants, staff, and volunteers. We invite parents to come out and participate with their children (even as a drop by visit). Something new this year will be the introduction of an automatic lap counter which will electronically tally the lap as the students

pass with a special badge.

Pledge forms with envelopes to collect money have been sent home with your child(ren). These forms (with any money collected) must be handed in on the day before the event on May 25th. After the Walk-a-thon, the forms – with the recorded number of laps – will be returned to the students if necessary to complete pledge collection. The deadline for returning completed pledge forms is Friday, June 2nd. Families and friends can pledge a lump sum donation or pledge an amount per lap. Pledges of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt but a complete address with postal code is required.

Suggested laps: Primary students 40 laps. Intermediate students: 70 laps.

Thank you for your support!


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